After lunch, I finished mopping the house and sat out on the veranda to read my Bible while the floors dried. The garden is very green and the nanny goat and her kid are enjoying the grass!

Then I got a phone call from some other friends, asking if I was home, as they were heading to town. So, unexpectedly I got to spend a fun afternoon with a family (with their three little kids) and a meal out together at a new hotel. Proved to be a really nice place with good food (though the menu is limited) at good prices and a badly translated English menu! Will definitely go there again. The most remarkable thing was that the bill came on a computerised receipt!
On the way home, I stopped to greet a Tanzanian acquaintance and chatted for a while. And now I'm sitting on the sofa, it’s dark outside and an annoying fly is buzzing around. Time for emails and an episode of ER.
(Apologies for poor quality pictures – most of them were taken on my phone).