been twice to the house in Mshewe, where I hope to live when focusing more on
working with people in the Safwa language area. I’ve taken photos and tried to
think through what I might need to take, but right now I have no idea how long
I will spend there and how it will work out and whether it will ever feel like ‘home’.
I hope to have my first stay there from mid-March, perhaps for an initial period
of two to three weeks, but we’ll see – things have a habit of changing here
from week to week! Mshewe is in a beautiful area, though it could feel rather
lonely living alone in a big house. If you’d like to come for a virtual visit,
click here to see a few pictures and hear some traditional Safwa music.
does feel like ‘home’ again in many ways, but at the same time I feel like I am
in a permanent state of transition, between one house and another and between
England (which is also very much ‘home’ to me, both Lapworth and Gloucester) and
Tanzania. I find I don’t buy books or too many ‘things’ because I never know
when I will pack up and move again, and the more stuff you have the harder that
becomes. It’s always a challenge making a place feel like home in such a way
that it is also easy to up and go!
these changes keep life interesting but also make it a bit unsettling. Maybe
this is one of the reasons I look forward to the future. I recently read again
these verses from John 14, where Jesus said:
“In my
Father’s house are many rooms…I am going there to prepare a place for you. And…I
will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”