Sunday I visited a church in the village of Iziwa, a beautiful spot on the
slopes of Mbeya Peak. I was there with my colleagues from the Safwa language
area to share about the work of Bible translation, to discuss the possibility
of returning to teach people to read and write their language and to talk about
Scripture Engagement training we can provide.

So, there
I was, in a church with brothers and sisters in Christ, but everything about
the service felt so far removed from what I am used to in England that I was
almost led to wonder if we worship the same God. Does my God accept carefully
rehearsed dancing as worship, does He like it when people shout their prayers
and does an exceedingly long, loud service please Him? These things might not
be pleasing to me, but that doesn’t mean we are worshipping a different God.
Rather, we are different people worshipping the same God. When I stop and think
about it, it’s incredible just how much diversity God created and loves. The
fact that He can find pleasure in Iziwa villagers worshipping Him one way and
Lapworth villagers worshipping Him in a totally different way speaks to the
very bigness of our God. He isn’t confined to one culture or one way of doing
things, His heart is so much bigger than my blinkered, judgmental one!
I hope
that the longer I live here the more God will help me to see this culture
through His eyes and the more I will glimpse the bigness of our God.
high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above
yours.” Isaiah 55:9 (Today’s English Version)
1 comment:
A great reflection. We are so limited, and your thoughts bring that out very very well. I know I would not have liked to hear such piercingly loud music. I find myself asking - what does God like in worship, and why? How could we know?
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