Reflecting on the centrality of the written word in my life, I am brought back to the centrality of the most important written Word, the Book of God. In a recent essay I was reflecting on Luke 24, where we read of how Jesus walked with a couple of His followers on the road to Emmaus and later appeared to all of His disciples as they met together. They were confused by Jesus’ death as they had thought that he was the one they were expecting who would liberate Israel. And what did Jesus say to them? “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” (24:25). How would they have known what the prophets had spoken? Because it was written in their Scriptures (our Old Testament). And later Jesus says to them, “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.” (24:44) Here I see two things. Firstly, the importance of the written Word. God has chosen to reveal Himself through the written Word. Yes, He has revealed Himself ultimately in Jesus, but even Jesus chose not to immediately disclose who He was to the disciples after His resurrection, but first pointed them to the Word – everything was already written there. After opening the Scriptures to them, then he revealed his own identity. Secondly, I see how even Jesus’ closest disciples hadn’t understood what was written and Jesus needed to interpret it to them.
What are the
implications of this? Firstly, the importance of the Bible, through which God
makes Himself known (indeed, it is one of many means, but clearly a primary
one). Do I/we devour the Bible as I devoured books as a child, for this is how
I will come to know more of my God, my Creator, my Father? What about those who
don’t know how to read or don’t have any books in their language? How important
it is that God’s Word is made accessible to them, through written and oral
mediums. It is this concern that drives the work of Wycliffe Bible Translators
as they translate the Bible into people’s mother tongues, teach people to read
it and make it available in audio formats. Secondly, the
importance of teaching the Bible. Just as Jesus needed to interpret God’s Word
to His disciples, so people today need help understanding what is written – it
doesn’t all make sense on the first read! But as our eyes are opened we see
more of who Jesus is and can grow in our intimacy with Him, our friend, brother
and Saviour. Who/what helps you to understand the Bible? Do you need help? Or
who can you help? This is what drives Wycliffe’s work of Scripture Engagement,
which I have been involved in for the past five years in Tanzania. I
hope that this year of study will better prepare me for this role of helping
others dig into God’s Word and find the treasure within, just as I myself need
to keep digging, so that I might day by day find my identity to be more
securely rooted in being the beloved of God and learn to wait on and trust in
Him in all things.
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